Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Frost Tomorrow
Fire today,�Frost tomorrow
If hate progresses greed will follow
Who's here to tell us whats right or wrong?
Is our morality ultimately strong?
Or is it a figment of our imagination?
Like emotion, just another sensation?
Do we do the things we do, just because they're right?
Or are we all evil when out of sight?

Happiness�today, sorrow�tomorrow
If pain progresses fear will follow
Are we driven by fear, to avoid the trouble?
Or are we trying to be a lake, but stuck as a puddle?
Will fate decide our�destiny in the end?
Or can we change the time we thought had been spent?
We all want to be the tree that grows all about
But are we all just seeds trying to sprout?

Sun�today, clouds�tomorrow
If illness progresses�death will follow
Should we try to live as long as we can?
Or enjoy a short life until we can no longer stand?
Would you live ten years of bliss?
Or regret eighty, where joy has been missed?

Life is what you make it
Not something to be wasted 
But a story with a great plot, that you have created

-Wyatt Campbell

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